Wednesday, March 7, 2007


As of late I have noticed that there is an ever increasing amount of terminology to grasp. This can be daunting, but worth the time. As this is a relatively new frontier the pace of change is growing ever faster.
It all started with the basic html based website. Then the search engine became the fuel that kept the internet going. If your masterpiece could not be found on the net then it was all for not. The search engine brought all this information into one big searchable database. Some of the pioneers where Lycos, Excite and so on. Today the undisputed king is Google, with Yahoo and MSN scratching their way up the rankings. Now that things are starting to mature, people are starting to realize the value of "manipulating" or, working with these engines.

Along comes SEO

The main goal behind SEO or Search engine optimization is to make sure your precious website is indexed and seen by the almighty Google or any other of the many Search engines.
This is done by manipulating the text or articles on your website to make it easier for the search engines to get a grasp on what your site is all about. This is largely done through the use of Keywords. These gems if selected and used properly will help propel your site up the rankings to get to that cherished first page of Google.

Now this is largely a programmatic process and really is not largely handled by humans. But this is starting to evolve again. We now have a more Social based system starting to evolve.
This is very good as the rating are largely based on use input and rankings. This brings us to a new term.
Social Bookmarking, now you may ask "What is Social Bookmarking?" We basically in a nut shell, an article is published and the reader is given the opportunity to rank or rate this article. The higher the rank the longer the article stays on top and the longer it gets viewed. Some site examples are Digg and Reddit these 2 sites are what its all about.

Some other ranking sites are Technorati and Bloglines these sites concentrate solely on Blogs. Which you could probably say started this whole thing off. It all pushes the public to produce original content.

Next... web2.0...

Monday, January 8, 2007

What should I do with this thing????

Ok so now that I have a blog what the hell am I going to do with it now?
We I guess I should do my bit and try to make the work a little bit better.
I have been a student of SEO for a good year now and have Subscribed to every Podcast I could find to learn everything I could.

The one thing I wished I could have had was a very simple single point of information for Newbies.

I will attempt to be this now and we will both learn. lets keep it simple, thinks like what the hell is is 303 redirect, how do you select and use keywords.

Stay tuned....

Friday, January 5, 2007

Another View Of BC Place Collapse

BC Place Dome Hole

I was able to find this video of the Event.

This is a Video showing the huge hole in the dome

BC Place now a BC Cup

was a ugly snowy day in Vancouver and as I passed my friend as he was going out to lunch he asked me "have ya heard the news?" The BC Place dome collapsed. So I ran to the roof of our building and much to my surprise this is what I saw.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Kicking this thing off

My first post and a bit about me:
I am a Student of SEO. I have been creating sites for some time now.
One example of my site is

This site is my first attempt and is doing very well now.
I have now switched to using Joomla as my preferred platform. It takes care of most of the design issues that plague every web coder and lets me work on content. Yes its fairly new and still has issues but I can quickly build a site. It can only get better.